Two-jaw rope grapples by "KTK"

The company "Kurylys Technika" produces two-jawed rope grabs designed to work with bulk materials, including sand, crushed stone, coal, slag, scale, etc. They are used in industry, construction, metallurgy and other sectors.

Two-jaw rope grapples produced by "KTK" are suitable for special equipment of well-known world brands, such as:
  • СММ - 6000, «СММ-1400», «СММ-2500» и «СММ-4500»
  • Альбатрос
  • Ганц
  • Кировец
  • Сокол
  • Витязь, Витязь 2700
  • Аист
  • Кондор
  • Альбрехт
  • Деррик

Leave a request for  a two-jaw rope grapples for your special equipment.
8 (800) 004-22-20
Click to order